Sailor Titan Sailor Punch Sailor Selenite Sailor Samson Goblin Knight Kitto and Bernie Argo Pyxis Triangulum Sisters Argo Malus Queen Vela Sailor Vela Character Sheet with Custom Magic Spells Printed Standees for Gameplay Printed Standees for Gameplay Printed Standees for Gameplay

Additional Information

Combining my passion for role playing games and Sailor Moon, I spent a few weeks designing a custom Sailor Moon RPG system. While there are Sailor Moon RPGs out there, I found that these were lacking in one major feature - making your own custom character in the Sailor Moon universe, independent of any existing characters. By allowing players to create their own scouts, there was so much room for creativity and narrative building. I ran the game with a group of friends, and the results were fantastic. I hope to run more games like that in the future!

Prior to running the game, I inquired about each player's scout character. I then drew those characters (along with any villain characters I was planning on controlling) in the style of the Sailor Moon 90s anime. It was a lot of fun and I even got to turn my two cats into their Sailor Moon versions!

Skills Used

Graphic Design
Concept Art
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